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PB Minutes 11/7/11, Approved
NOVEMBER 7, 2011

A meeting of the Salem Parking Board was held on Wednesday, November 7, 2011 at 4:00 pm. at 120 Washington Street, Salem, MA.  Present were Mr. Caggiano, Mr. Doggett and Mr. Bouchard. Also present was Parking Director James Hacker.  


Mr. Doggett made a motion to approve the minutes of September 12, 2011. Mr. Bouchard seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.   


Mr. Hacker reported on revenues.  He stated that the Parking Garage and Office Revenues were down 6% from the year before for October, which he believed was due to lack of turnover on the second Sunday in October that was a warm day and also due to the snow storm on October 29th for which the garage did not fill up.  He noted that the meter revenue page is missing credits for the Willows and city meters.


Mr. Caggiano stated that he wanted to be sure that discussion on snow emergencies was complete, so that he and Mr. Hacker can finalize the letter to the City Council.  

Mr. Doggett and Mr. Bouchard stated that they felt decision made was well thought out and that they did not recommend any changes to motion made at the 9/12/11 meeting.

Mc. Caggiano asked if members had any comments regarding October, now that Haunted Happenings was over.

There were no comments.

Mr. Bouchard asked how the Derby Street lot went.

Mr. Hacker stated that the revenue was good on weekends, but poor during the week. He stated that for the entire period, the lot was cash positive, although just barely.  He stated that he did not believe residents used the lot during that 3-4 week period.

Mr. Bouchard asked if he received any complaints or had any issues.

Mr. Hacker replied in the negative and stated that the Police Department was very good.

Mr. Hacker stated that there are several streets in the city that are eligible for both year round resident parking passes and temporary October resident parking passes.  He guessed that the streets were October eligible first and then at some point there was an ordinance change to include them as full time year around and that October passes were never removed.  These residents are currently eligible to get multiple passes, which is unfair.  He suggested asking the City Council to take those streets off of October eligible list of streets.

Mr. Doggett made a motion to recommend to the City Council to remove any streets from the October temporary parking pass list that are duplicated on the year round resident parking pass list.  Mr. Bouchard seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.

Mr. Caggiano read email from John Walsh which stated that he is “opposed to any change to the current requirements that states that the owners of condos in the down area of Salem purchase passes for the garages or Riley Plaza.  They or their agent should have known about this requirement.” and that he believes “that the rate for off street parking in the city garages during snow storms should be increased to the current daily cost.  This would reduce usage and possibly help those condo owners who have passes.”

Sheryl Michaels, 11 Church Street, stated that it appears that the board already discussed the special rate for snow emergencies at its September meeting.  She heard that it was approved for a .75 per hour rate for both garages.  She stated that since the whole comprehensive parking rate is based on demand, she was disappointed that the rate was not higher.

Allen Rongone, 11 Church Street, stated that he agreed that the rate should be higher.  He stated that he received a letter years ago allowing condo residents to drive through garage during snow emergencies to see if there are any open spots in order to avoid waiting in line, but noted that they have not been allowed to do so recently.  He asked if the yearly rate for condominium owners will be staying the same.

George Medeiros, 11 Church Street, stated that he agreed that the rate should be kept at current the $1.50 per hour for snow emergencies.  He stated that everyone from neighboring streets is looking to get into the garage.  He stated that, by ordinance, the condo owners can only park in the garage, and asked if there is any way to get a placard to identify them as condo residents so that they can go into the garage and look for spot.  He stated that they have no place else to park.  He asked for preference to look for a spot instead of being turned away.

Ethel Spence, 11 Church Street, stated that she would also like fees to be $1.50 per hour.  She stated that it is difficult to find a spot and there is no other space for them to park.

Mr. Hacker stated that the practice been if the garage is full, it is one car out and one car in.  He stated that they have had one accident recently and have given out a lot of tickets for people parking where not allowed.  He stated that if the garage is full, but there is not a backlog of cars waiting, they will let passcard holders and condo owners in to drive around and look for empty spaces.  He noted that there are also people who work downtown who purchase passes.  He stated that he has heard they are going to have fewer trains into Boston during snow emergencies.  He noted that a rate change for condominiums is a recommendation of the study.  He stated that he has not received any official notification on rate changes for condos and that it is something that the city council will have to address.  The various department representatives are meeting to determine the best way to implement the study recommendations that have been approved.  He stated that some things will require bids, ordinance changes, public communications and/or equipment installation.  They are working on timelines with all the parties involved.  Changes will be phased in and he hopes everything will be done by Spring, including rate changes for the lots, garages and snow emergencies.  He stated that he had no idea on when the condominium rate change would take place.

Mr. Rongone stated that condo owners are required to buy that spot.

Mr. Hacker stated that the owners agreed to it when they purchased their condos.

Mr. Rongone stated that he felt the city makes double on that spot if he doesn’t get it and somebody else gets it.

Mr. Hacker stated that the space could be taken by another card holder.  He noted that snow emergencies currently bring in the least amount of revenue.

Mr. Caggiano stated that the comprehensive parking plan task force recommended rate changes for meters and garages.  He stated that the items the Parking Board is discussing are those that the study did not address.

Mr. Hacker asked what time period Mr. Rongone thought would be fair to implement a condo rate change.

Mr. Rongone stated that, as unit owner who has to buy a pass, he would like at least a couple of years.  He preferred no rate increase for condo owners, but would want at least a half year notice that the rate increase is coming.

Mr. Caggiano stated that the board has heard their concerns.  He stated that the challenge is to work with a limited supply of parking during snow emergencies.  They are trying to lesson demand by increasing rate.  $.75 is the proposed daily rate for the Derby Street lot, so it was felt there should be equity between the two garages.

Mr. Hacker stated that when the rate goes up, it needs a full season to settle in.  He stated that after the first storm, he feels they will have a major issue with the people who were used to paying $1.  He stated that the first storm will be chaotic, but that it should get better.  He added that if it doesn’t get better by Spring, they will have to sit down and take another look at it.  He stated that that the City looses about 2000 on-street parking spaces just in the downtown during a snow emergency.  He asked the condo owners to bear with him and to stop in and tell him what is happening.  He stated that the Derby street lot will be available for snow emergencies through some date in January some date and that he did not know if the City Solicitor’s office will extend the lease beyond.

Mr. Doggett stated that if the rate goes up to the higher rate, it may encourage people to buy passes, which will therefore encourage more competition .  He stated that he did not know what the tipping point would be.

Ms. Spence stated that, in general, people who buy passes work downtown and did not feel people will buy a pass for the 6 days a year where there is a snow storm.  She stated that the City must get rid of the $1 per storm rate.  She stated that she is glad the 2 garages will be the same.  She stated that she is okay with the smaller increase, but felt if there are still lines of people to get in, it may necessitate the larger increase.

Mr. Caggiano stated that he was frustrated with what happened with the Salem State University, in that their police will be ticketing cars.  He stated that the board members are volunteering their time to serve on the board and questioned why only some things, and not everything, come before them.  

Mr. Hacker stated that the Salem Police have been responsible for ticketing around college.  He stated that the Mayor’s Office had talked to Salem State about having their officers enforce around the college, but it has not been done.

Mr. Doggett stated that, with regard to Salem State police, any time Salem can get additional police that tax payers don’t have to pay for, we should take advantage.  He stated that we have a police force that doesn’t cost the Salem taxpayers a dime.  He stated that when something happens in the Point Neighborhood, an additional 40 cops is a good deal that we don’t pay for.  He noted that how it was handled may not be how it should have been done.  He requested that board members receive a copy of the statutory documentation regarding the Parking Board’s role.  

Mr. Hacker stated that he will copy the ordinance and send it to members.

Mr. Bouchard suggested putting it on an upcoming agenda.

Ms. Guy stated that, for resident and visitor stick parking, there are too many groups that need to be represented, financial considerations as well as various scenarios and issues.  She suggested that the letter to the City Council say that a separate task force with all the various interested parties be created.

Mr. Doggett was in agreement.

Mr. Hacker suggested sending the letter on snow emergencies and the other motions made now and say that the remaining issues require a City Council public hearing.  He stated that the Parking Board would still be involved, but the onus is on the City Council to have public hearings.

Mr. Doggett made a motion to send a letter to the City Council which would state that at this point the Parking Board feels the remaining items need City Council involvement with public hearings, due to diverse involvement with other boards and divisions of City, which is beyond the scope of the Parking Board to fulfill this requirement.  Mr. Bouchard seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.

Mr. Hacker stated that what he has heard from the members and the public tonight is that October was manageable, but that snow emergencies are currently not.


The next meeting is scheduled for December 5, 2011.

There being no further business, Mr. Bouchard made a motion to adjourn.  Mr. Doggett seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.   

Respectfully submitted,

Jane A. Guy